Welcome at the website of LDanTech s.r.o., a Slovak lifting equipment producer.

LDanTech provides its services in the field of lifting equipment production, maintenance, repairs and renovation all over Slovakia and, through its Czech branch, it has been working on its business activities in the Czech Republic.

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Technological Sites

Technological Sites

Steel structures and building activities

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Railway transport

Railway transport

Specific technical equipment - cranes and lifting equipment

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VSS Košice a.s. | Profitube Košice spol. s r.o. | VSH Turňa nad Bodvou, a.s. | Carmeuse závod Lom Včeláre |
Cementáreň Lietavská, Lúčka a.s. | Pyofab, s.r.o. Rožnava | ZSNP a.s. Žiar nad Hronom | Energomont s.r.o. | 
FERONA Slovakia a.s. | Stroje a Mechanizmy a.s. | ZTS Sabinov a.s. | Šroubárna Kyjov

  • Garage Doors
  • Industrial Gates
  • Driveway Gates

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